Connect with other like-minded coworkers from PuraWorka
Have you noticed our Directory?
“Connecting with other like-minded people” is one of the main reasons people come to work at PuraWorka.
Our community is built upon a really nice diversity of profile: independent, entrepreneurs, digital nomad, employees, students, people working in SMEs, startups, big corporations, NGOs etc.
Make the most out of our community: create your profile in our “directory” (bottin in French) in less than 5 minutes to let the community know what you are passionate about. Once your profile is created, let’s connect with the PuraWorka community!
Concretely how?
Log in here > My account (mon compte) > fill in all the informations and make sure you click the following option:
To check you profile here go there > Community >Directory
Et voilà! You are now part of the PuraWorka Community 🙂